Representation Is An Issue Of Function

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Representation is an issue of Function


Issues surrounding representation have played a key function in the development of postmodern art. Prior to the theoretical trials to representation commenced by Jean Baudrillard, representation could be considered of as means of depicting or depicting of a subject, which relied upon the connection between the rendition and the original. Baudrillard asserted that there is little evidence to propose that truth, the domain of the original object of portrayal, ever existed. This conveyed about an urgent situation of representation because traditional modes of comprehending the connection of object and portrayal could no longer be advised valid. As a response to this, the means of producing an image became integral to the understanding of the image - the medium became the message in contrast to the traditional notion of the object of depiction embodying the meaning. The paintings of Gerhard Richter are emblematic of the new mode of representation and artists using taking photos in art demonstrate the resituating of representation.

Thesis Statement

The crisis of representation that now appears so apparent after the writing of Baudrillard was also the outcome of a convergence of chronicled situation both inside and out-of-doors of art.


Italy from 1200 to 1600

As an outcome, art's capacity to depict the world was effected. This period of crisis, and or the 1970's and 1980s in specific, was assessed by the widespread acceptance of mass-communication and mass-images by the most of western industrialized humanity, especially TV and the goods of an increasing consumer culture. Baudrillard conveyed vigilance to the mass mediated likeness and claimed that it had larger significance after the proceed of depiction or illustration. As mentioned overhead, the acknowledged model of representation now began to display symptoms of urgent situation, which included the concept that the means of making the image could take a place of implication next to the subject or object one time represented in reality.

Northern Europe from 1400 to 1500

In essence, how the likeness was encountered became as important as the subject matter. Because representation was now severed from the object it signified, it became possible to locate, study, and critique the social and political agendas of art, images, and art makers.

FIG 1: I Shop thus I Am, Barbara Krueger

Fig 1, illustrated that art could serve a new, directed social and political agenda. Her work made problematic the act of representation because she depicted through established, persuasive imagery a new ...
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