Report Assignment For Operating System

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Report Assignment for Operating System


Cloud Computing is distinguished in the present world by a large of number of solutions and building blocks. These building blocks are the Operating Systems running on a middleware layers and single virtualized computing environments that try to join the virtualized as well as physical resources. In this paper, the importance and significance of a virtual distributed operating system, a Cloud OS is discussed. A Cloud OS is a medium for unlocking the real potential of the Cloud and it is a computing platform which is provided almost unlimited memory, infinite CPUs and various network resources. A Cloud OS aims to manage the low level resources offered by cloud and hide the details of infrastructure in order to present a high level interface to the application programmers. In addition Cloud OS also provides isolation techniques between various processes of the Cloud and strong incorporation with the resources offered by the network. A Cloud OS is much simpler as it has lass line of codes as compared to traditional OS. Various questions like a Cloud OS is a collection of web based applications or traditional OS concepts apply to a Cloud OS or not etc. all these are discussed in this topic.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Operating Systems, Scalable Operating System.


In the present world, the computer users are increasing rapidly and their computational requirements are increasing more quickly. They want all the access on their fingertips. All these users have advanced from the mainframes to minicomputers then from mini to desktop and then desktop to laptops. The advancement in these technologies has changed the infrastructure of the computing systems. A few decades earlier, a large amount of space was required for the bulky systems and their storage devices. Today, the physical storage is replaced by invisible and compact storage mediums. For all these technologies, different types of operating systems are generated so as to fully work and integrate with them. Now the technology has revolutionized so much that traditional operating systems are not enough to fulfil the demands of the users. As a result a new set of codes and a new operating system has to be introduced which is up to date and fully agree with the user demands. Then newest class of computational hardware requires a new and well developed operating system which can make users take advantage of increased computational capacity and to simplify their tasks and ease of use (Wentzlaff, 2010).

Like the traditional operating systems, a new operating system is introduced which is fully capable of satisfying the customer demands and named as a Cloud OS. A Cloud OS is similar to conventional operating systems in managing the resources of computational hardware. In a PC or server, the operating system is responsible for hiding the hardware operations of the chassis, managing the limited resources of hardware and making the best possible use and sharing of these scarce resources. It allows the users to efficiently use all the scare sources but hide its hardware from ...
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