Relationship Between Depression And Diet Quality

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Relationship between Depression and Diet Quality

Relationship between Depression and Diet Quality

Question 1

Studies and Possible Mechanisms Related to Depression and Diet Quality

Appelhans & Whited et al carried out the study to evaluate the relationship between the depression, physical activity and diet quality (2012). Investigators recruited 161 women having the issues like obesity and major depressive disorder. They hypothesized that there was a profound relationship between the severity of depressions, lower diet quality and reduced habit of physical activity. The analysts examine the several factors via using the models of linear regression. The analysed factors are binge eating disorder, change of appetite in relation to depression, education, income and further prospective confounds. Investigators analyse the diet factor via the greater intake of sodium, saturated fats and sugar. At the end of study, Appelhans and his colleagues concluded that the overall poorer quality of diet influenced the mental status of women and stimulated the severe depression. On the other hand, the lower physical exercise or activities did not cause depression in the subjects (Appelhans & Whited et al, 2012). This illustrates the substantial association of diet and depression. The food of good quality is essential not only for the physical health but also for the mental health.

The other study carried out by Jacka & Kremer et al also proposed the strong association of depression with the diet (2010). The researchers discussed the depression in the adolescent population. According to the investigators, depression is common in the adolescent population. Most of them get psychiatric illness in this phase of life. Moreover, diet is also imperative for the development of the brain in the same age. Therefore, Jacka with other analysts studied the effects of the diet quality on depressive mood of adolescents. They used the questionnaire strategy to retrieve the information regarding diet and depression in 7114 adolescents. The age of them ranged ten to fourteen. They concluded that the link of quality diet and depression based family, socioeconomics, education and other aspects. The adolescents with the right quality diet did not have the problem of depression. They were happy and healthy (Jacka & Kremer et al, 2010).

In the year of 2013, Quirk, Williams and their colleagues conducted the systematic review about the relationship between depression, dietary patterns, and dietary quality in adults group of the population. The investigators collected the perspective data from different internet databases such as PsycINFO, CINHAL and Medline. Moreover, they obtained data from the year of January 1965 to October 2011. The information was collected from nine different countries via 25 studies. The results showed the critical analysis of these studies and provided the evidence concerning depression and diet quality. They proposed that good quality diet possessed the tendency to decrease the probability of depression. (Quirk & Williams et al, 2013). This study is clarifying the causal mechanisms via observing the relationship between depression and quality of diet.

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