Register Analysis

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Comparative Register Analysis

Comparative Register Analysis


Register analysis is mainly used to determine the meanings of language that is found in literature or in general social settings (Zequan, 2010). This analysis is often used for comparing between different texts. This paper provides the register analysis of two texts France plans Napoleon land and Can Dawn help to fill holy posts.

The first text “France plans Napoleon land” proposed the development of theme park in France, mainly to appreciate the efforts of Napoleon Bonaparte, 200 years after his death (The Telegraph, 2013). “Napoleon land” has been considered widely as the former French minister's brain child. The major reason why this theme park was opposed to a large extent is the fact that it was considered as the rival to the famous them park of all the times, the Disney land. The theme of Napoleon land can very easily make a collection of £180 million which are required in order the drawing board to be left.

The development includes developing the theme/amusement park on the site where the French Leader succeeded in making victory (Whittington, 2012). This victory reminds us the event of 1814, when the French leader got victory in the battle of Monteria against the Austrians. One of the themes of the park may recreate the Battle of Waterloo, which was fought in 1815, and put the Napoleon French rule to an end. The text described the fact that this park would be able to generate high amounts of revenue because majority of the children, elders, and most particularly the tourists would be interested to be a part of reenactment activities. The reenactments would also include the activities of Water show which took place in the Waterloo Battle.

Analysis face to face of Discussion

Tourism is the time of departure (trip) of people in another country or locality other than their places of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months in one calendar year. This definition also includes the commission of at least one night of entertainment, recreation, sports, guest, cognitive, religious and other purposes without the exercise of an activity remunerated from a convenient source. Person who commits such a trip called tourist. National parks are symbols of inviolate nature (World Tourism Organization 2009, p. 55). They allow nature to a large area for there to develop their own laws, without human Take advantage may intervene or regulate.

National Parks also serve the scientific research, are but above all a remarkable experience of natural spaces. All those who uniqueness and beauty of nature want to directly experience the places of quiet Seek recovery are welcome to the national parks welcome. For here the principle is: Nature let them be and bring the people near. Tourism as such, bore in the nineteenth century, as a consequence of the industrial revolution, with movements whose primary intention is recreation, leisure, culture, health, business or family relationships. These movements also characterized by their purpose of other types of journeys that includes wars, migration, ...
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