Reflective Writing

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Reflective Report on Glo-bus Exercise


Reflective writing is increasingly making its place in academic writing. This is based on the underlying philosophy that much of learning does not take place by mere experience. It takes place through reflection. The paper gives a reflective account of Glo-bus business simulation exercise that was taken by our team from early October 2012 up to the end of January 2013. In doing so, I relate the theoretical aspect of the project we undertook to out learning from the exercise. I shall discuss critical incidents that took place during the project and comment on each group member's performance in the team.


About Glo-bus exercise1

Reflective practice and Glo-bus team experience2

Application of academic theories4

Critical incidents5




Reflective Report on Glo-bus Exercise


Reflective writing is increasingly making its place in academic writing. This is based on the underlying philosophy that much of learning does not take place by mere experience. It takes place through reflection. There are numerous benefits of reflective writing for everyone involved in writing. While it helps students understand their learning needs, it aids in the assessment of learning objectives achieved on the part of teacher and designing of goals for the future learning (Ussher & Chalmers, 2011, p. 95). Another very crucial aspect of reflection that has gained it a place in academic writing is the fact that it gets the experience stored in the mind. In the absence of reflection, there is likelihood that the experience will be forgotten. Hence, it is imperative to associate both feelings and thoughts with the experience which is not possible without reflection (Xiang Huang, 2012, p. 92).

Similarly, the paper gives a reflective account of Glo-bus business simulation exercise that was taken by our team from early October 2012 up to the end of January 2013. In doing so, I relate the theoretical aspect of the project we undertook to out learning from the exercise. I shall discuss critical incidents that took place during the project and comment on each group member's performance in the team.

About Glo-bus exercise

The Glo-bus exercise that we undertook involved five team members. We took the coursework last semester and work on growing a company that was selling cameras. The underlying idea was to revitalize the brand through working on the budget allocated for pricing and promotion of selected brands of cameras. We designed a comprehensive budget for marketing and promotion of two cameras. One was for the lower, price sensitive end of the market and offered value for money, while the other was a premium quality reflex camera designed for the high end of the market. Both cameras had their own target market and required separate planning for marketing and promotion.

The company of cameras that was selected was looking for internationalization. The company is already operations in all the continents and wanted to study the viability of the two cameras in each continent. This required a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics so that the marketing and promotional plan can be devised ...
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