Reflective Writing

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Personal and Professional Development

Table of Contents



Analysis of Learning3





Interpersonal Competency10


Personal and Professional Development


Personal and Professional development is a part of learning process that comprises entirety of one's life. It starts from the enrolment of a child in pre-school and continues through to the important transitions in one's life. As important as the prevalence of concept and execution of personal and professional development among learners, the underlying idea of continuous learning is imperative to be hold by the learner to have the development part register significant impact over time. Continuous learning is the key factor behind the emphasis placed by various institutions teaching across different fields on the writing and submission of reflective papers. This Reflective Writing along with the presentation of Critical Analysis prepared by learners is the key source involved in inculcating continuous learning and development; personal as well as professional as it ensues Personal Development Planning (PPD).


My strong point is practical learning as I find explanation with relation to the practicality and application of the concept in the world easier to assimilate. This makes my views aligned with the core concept underlying Personal and Professional Development (PPD). Continuous comprehensive assessment of what we learn and then subsequent shaping of our behaviour on the basis of that evaluation is critical to the development of competitive skills and abilities which is essential for Job Security. Job security does not come as a default feature when one becomes associated with an organisation; rather it is attained with the ability of the employee to continuously learn and adapt to the changing and dynamic environment effectively and efficiently which is only possible through exercising Reflective critical writing.

Analysis of Learning

The timing of the application of Personal and Professional Development in curriculum across the different domains of study and subjects could not be more right with the economy being worse and market being more saturated than ever. The rules of the game are not as simple for the students graduating now as it has been for the earlier graduates (Gallén, 2006, pp. 118). Economic recession, mass higher education with more and more people getting enrolled in higher studies and planning to pursue advanced degrees are the prime factors that have added to the burden already posited by the scarce resources onto the economy, making it more competitive as a result.

The importance of Personal and Professional Development in the job market could also be gauged considering the emphasis of the employers and market needs and demands. Initially, while recruitment and selection; focus used to be on the KSA's; used to denote Knowledge Skills and Abilities but with the massive change induced in the market and economy on a commercial scale; the paradigm shifted and an additional factor of 'O' was incorporated to align the concept to the competence factor and economic conditions. Now, an employee is selected on the basis of knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other characteristics. These 'Other characteristics' basically refers to other disparate attributes, significant weightage among which is of 'Personality ...
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