Reflective Protfolio

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Reflective Portfolio

Reflective Portfolio


The seminar task of Week 17 asks to generate a reflective portfolio to carry out observations from personal experience and module coursework. The topic selected for the subject matter is anatomy on events management from the perspective of event manager. The case of Wellingborough has been discussed to understand the complexity and risk decision involved in the process of event management. The objective of this assignment is not to structure writing for event management plan. The focal point is to reflect the personal learning experiences and module course work for the scope of final year studies.

Meticulous research, planning, and execution are part of event management that runs in the reins of professional career (Getz, 2012, pp. 171). Discussion, analysis, and evaluation are three core areas for the manuscript of this portfolio. Each section extends the literature and learning into the next part for multitude of outcomes.


The case study of the city of Wellingborough for the execution of 2014 World Capital of Culture, 2014 is imperative and hypothetical in its context. The case intends principal authority to act as Event Manager for the organization of grand feast that reflects different paradigms of culture and arts. The presence of Geoff The Big Man Rogers will reconcile his image and add glory to the event. Starlucks, a massive franchise chain of coffee-shops offered contract to the principal authority for the execution of campaign after intensive allegations (Andrew, 2010). The task is to negotiate terms and provisions of contract to choose between the offering based on legal, strategic, and compliance areas (Kemp & Hall., 2012).

Context of Course Modules

The refinement, shifts, absorption, development, history, analysis, operations, and emphasis on the operational research of event management create a paradigm of science and system (Kerzner, 1998). There was debate between erudite scholars over the inception of event management. Few of them believe that it was construction industry while for others it was space and arms race (Manchester et al., 2008). The epitome of the project management is the arrival of man on the moon. The dimension of organizational change in the institutions is the recent development of this profession. Changing the entrenched culture of the corporate environment is the effort of University of Technology in Sydney. The employment of the approach of Soft System Technology drives the focus towards human resources and consensus (Ekionea et al., 2012, pp. 108).

The former section about the historical context of the development of trends in the event management outlines the context for the course modules. The perspective of project or event management is necessary to understand. The exploration of reduction and uncertainty in this field has helped me to understand the knowledge about challenges in this profession. This figure helps to understand the continuing process of risk analysis from the perspective of Event Manager (Figure I, Risk Analysis - a continuing process). The findings of this diagram includes the risk identification, likelihood of the occurrence of risk i.e. severity, impact of occurrence of risk, risk monitoring, ...
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