Reflective Evaluation

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Reflective Evaluation

Reflective Evaluation

Question 1

In accordance with the consistently evolving environment of business management, it is imperative for organizations to bring changes continuously, which are desirable not only to improve business practices but to ensure sustainability of business. Taylor (2007) in this regard found that the market has become increasingly competitive due to the phenomenon known as globalization and technological developments (Sitzmann, et al, 2008, pp. 280-295). The globalization has also changed the society, which now reflects the perception that the sustainability of companies directly affects the abilities and characteristics of the people who work there. In accordance with the changes in competitive environment of market, and with increase in the concept of globalization companies are now required to review their strategic intentions, in order to meet the changing demands of the market appropriately (Joiner, 1984). It is in line with the strategies of organizations that will show the values which followed and defined their performance goals.

It is now vital for every organization to have competent people who can assist in the strategic growth of the organization. This is the reason why the concept of assessment centres were introduced in past, which has now become a common phenomenon. Assessment centres help companies to identify and develop competent people (Taylor, 2007). Human resource of organizations in this relation deserved attention of the organizational managers, to develop understanding regarding the factors that influence people's performance in the organizational environment (Joiner, 1984).

Assessment centres can be described in accordance with the techniques they adopt. It is a place where candidates can demonstrate their skills and competencies, which are fundamental for the success in a specific job (Joiner, 1984).

According to Edenborough (2005, p.2) “assessment is the application of systematic process to understand the performance of individuals or groups, either currently or in a predictive sense”. According to Tolley and Wood (2006) assessment centres are of great value to organization, as they offer assistance in assessing different candidates to help company find the best who can perform the desired job with ease.

The major strength of assessments centres are delivery of the quality human resource to the organizations, which Tolley and Wood (2006) describe as placing the right person on right position. They also deliver trustworthy, severe and objective applicant assessment. It helps the organization to learn and to know more about the candidates, upon which companies can decide if the person can be part of their teams.

The assessment centres strength, from the candidate's perspective, provides an attractive and motivating assessment centre experience, which help candidates to apprehend better knowledge and information regarding their prospect employer (Tolley and Wood, 2006). It is also a realistic day experience, where the candidates have the opportunities to express their abilities, skills, strength and what they enjoy doing.

However, for Lievens and Goemaere (1999) the efficiency and reliability of the assessment centres are still reliant on the ability, experience, impartiality and fairness of the observer. Despite the fact that situation in assessment centres are more compound and less consistent compare to an ...
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