Reflection and evaluation, the concern of clues, the determination of its validity is the centered ingredient of scholarship. In the introduction to the module communicating the Scholarship of educating we said scholarship was about
searching out clues and investigating it,
reflecting on it, teasing out the meaning,
drawing deductions founded on the evidence,
evaluation in alignment to make a statement about value,
providing constructive commentaryary about each other's work,
Making alterations to improve student learning.
These are the components that endow us to workout scholarly judgment, to assess a proposition, to test the deserve of a hypothesis, to referee the reasoning of an argument. We do these things all the time, about other people's work and about the product of our own study what we do not do as commonly is request these processes us to our own educating practice.
Engaging in open and collaborative discussion about our work with a peer, and regularly writing up our learning in a journal or log book, is a process that will enable us to become reflective teachers. The periodical is aligned to the area book or laboratory remarks of the scientist. We not only record what occurred or what was observed but in addition we can record a tentative hypothesis or the development of new comprehending, we can use our writing to make a new sense of phenomena. Reflective composing has the promise to supply us with a methodical approach to our development as a reflective, critical and constructive learner. Our periodical can provide an opening to make explicit our position on a variety of matters of individual significance.
Used competently, reflective composing will support us to make a personal sense; of a diverse set of knowledge, this is especially significant when discovering is to be incorporated into every day practice. Areflective periodical assists the reflective process. Donald Schn in Educating the Reflective Practitioner writes about reflection-in-action. He describes a process of discovering by doing with the help of a coach. This is after all the way we all discovered to converse as infants. As mature practitioners we are adept to exploit the process more fully. To maximize our discovering we can inquiry and challenge the adviser, inquire for clarification and simultaneously construct new understandings. In this way we discover to be reflective with our colleague.
Another cooperative way of understanding the process of reflection is recounted by Stephen Brookfield in evolving a Critically Reflective Teacher. Brookfield recounts the method of searching out our assumptions and critically analyzing them. Look for the assumptions that underpin your perform and then play devils advocate and evolve a opposing argument. You now have two sides of an contention to evaluate. This is engaging in individual critical reflection. An demonstration might be your assumption that there is no location for collaboration between scholars accomplishing allotment work that it should be all their own work if the evaluation is to be legitimate and accurate. Think back to your own collaboration with your colleague in gaze reconsider did ...