Reflection Paper

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Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper


For years and years, the ideology of free market was established on a simple principle of demand and supply. Consumers since the birth of this planet were considered to make rational decisions based on pros and cons, but actually, it is a mere fact that people make irrational choices and those choices are predictable. Dan Ariely in this book have established the choice horizon of people with respect to economics and psychology. How the human mind works is a mystery to many but how we make choices is not based on rationality actually it is very irrational. The human decision-making process is way we indulge in things that are not real and make use of things that are. The book predictably irrational is not a book for every one as it explains are weaknesses as humans of the society we live in. some might blame it on capitalist structure and some night not but the end is the irrational decision making processes we indulge ion. This book is a study of choices and decisions we make when we buy, get a job , marry and make other life changing decisions.


The book starts off with an experiment related to our sexual habits. How our decision-making and thinking process changes when we are sexually aroused. The author asked men about sexuality in a normal scenario and in another scenario while they were looking at pornography, their statements and answers to the questions about sexual taste changed drastically. They showed less respect towards female compared to answers when they were in normal state. The questions were about condoms and violence in sexual attitude.

Dan and his team did an experiment on power of suggestion by giving people pain in the form of electricity and offered fake pain pills of two types. One cost around 10 cents and other cost around $2.50. all of the pills helped people in releasing pain but the ones which were expensive had a greater affect on people. The question is why is it so? Why do we believe that something that is expensive will benefit us and it does? Although it was not even a real pill. How did it relief the pain? A human mind is a mystery and still we do not know how it works.

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