Reflection On Dissertation Interview

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Reflection on Dissertation Interview

Reflection on Dissertation Interview


1. Approximately how many times during your program did you change your mind about your dissertation topic?

Choosing dissertation topic is not only an initial phase but also very important as it determines the work an individual is going to do. No doubt, I changed my mind at many occasion as I was experiencing waves of ideas for my thesis. I believe that there are various issues and problems that are unaddressed and require thorough studies. Similarly, I also found that emergence of new technologies also created space for new areas of perceptions and issues. In fact, I was interested in a topic that has more prospects of further research along with the wider implications. In addition, I also wanted to work on something that is recent and could gain significant attention when presented to researchers and relevant organizations. During the phase of topic selection, I changed my topic more than 4 times as I was looking at the topics with a realistic view. Finally, I decided to conduct research on the "Impact of work bullying in non-profit organization in Denver metro area", which has received a significant attention from researchers. However, it is also a fact that small and limited amount of research has been conducted on this topic.

2. In thinking about your topic at the beginning, did you think about your topic and how might have change?

After the selection of topic, I gave multiple thoughts to my selected topic in terms of its accuracy, relevance, and implications. However, I found the topic more interesting as workplace bullying has received attention in recent times and that's why is lacking with earlier research work. I believe that the subject of bullying has been considered by many researchers and academicians though, but not in the context of non-profit organizations or particularly in Denver Metro area. In addition, there has been some toll to bullying. This suggests that as a research, I should emphasize on the practice and impact of bullying in nonprofit organizations. In order to achieve my target, I started studying latest literature and other resources that describe different prevention strategies to cope with workplace bullying. During my research, I found that bullying is being practiced in many organizations but is not reported and accounted as no clear policies exist in organizations. This means, I viewed the topic with the aspects of policymaking, disciplinary actions, and training to prevent bullying at workplace.

3. What was one or two major issues related to your methodology that come up?

No doubt, I saw different issues related to the selection of methodology for my research. However, selection of qualitative or quantitative methods was itself a major issue for me as both the research methods guide researcher in different ways for further processes of dissertation such as data collection, evaluation, analysis, etc. In fact, Qualitative methods of research can be defined as 'an array of interpretive techniques, which seek to describe, decode, translate and otherwise come to terms with the ...
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