Reflection Of My Literature Review Process

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Reflection of my Literature review process

Reflection of my Literature review process


The visitation privileges in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) have been a topic of much debate since the 1970s. There has been a significant amount of literature available that comprises of visiting practices, variable nursing perspectives, sensitive physiological responses of the patients, beliefs of patients, and the viewpoint of family. The mainstream of the research is found from US, UK and New Zealand. However, during the last decade, the issue has significantly lost its important for researches as little work has been recognized in this field (Cook, n.d.).


Process of selecting the research topic

While searching and selecting my topic, I was attracted towards the minimal research done during the past ten years. I searched the numerous available data in nursing journals until I found this article to be the most interesting. My main aim of writing this literature review is to revive this issue again and highlight it according to the perspective of the nurses. Stake holders, hospital organizations, health care providers, doctors, as well as, nurses should be able to characterize this issue and know the critical points associated with the visiting practices as observed by the family of patients in the medical ICU or cardiac ICU. At present, the rules of visiting are overseen by the experts and are restrictive. However, they are frequently not governed by the nursing staff, working in the ICU setting. During my research, I observed that experts' established “open” visiting hours were viewed differently by the nursing staff. In fact, I found that nurses had a very negative viewpoint of the positive outcomes. Even though, the family visits have proven to be beneficial for the patients, nursing staff significantly restrict the family visits.

Purpose of conducting the literature review

The purpose of conducting this ...
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