Skills Acquired

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Skills Acquired From Collaborative Learning

Skills Acquired From Collaborative Learning

Nursing Skills and its Implications

Professional nurses are expected to show a degree of special attainment, altruism, and self-sacrifice, maintenance of confidentiality and consent in their dealings (Bryan-Brown et al 2003, 394). The nursing profession is characterized by the continuing pursuit of knowledge, a sense of responsibility for human concerns, preparation through higher education, peer accountability, autonomy, and altruism. There are scores of qualities that should be there in a professional nurse.

The application of these qualities in the field of nursing cultivates numerous advantages. On one hand, these qualities bring professionalism in the field. On the other hand, these qualities provide an impetus for nurse proper implementation of the care process which in turn maximizes the probability of positive outcomes and well being of the patients (Roach 1998, 30).

Professional Behavior in Nursing

The practice of professional nursing as performed by a registered professional nurse for compensation or gratuitously means the process in which substantial specialized knowledge derived from the biological, physical, and behavioural sciences is applied to: the care, diagnosis, treatment, counsel and health teaching of persons who are experiencing changes in the normal health processes or who require assistance in the maintenance of health or the prevention or management of illness, injury or infirmity; administration, supervision or teaching of the process as defined in this section; and the execution of the medical regimen as prescribed by a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or a person licensed to practice dentistry (Ehric 2002, 254).

The Code NMC 2008

The code NMC2008 jots down the rule of conduct for nurses to adopt while performing their duties. These rules are devised by taking into consideration all the ethical principles. But the principle of beneficence can be traced in almost all the codes of conduct. The code related to this ethical principle requires nurses to provide best practice or evidence based practice. In order to provide best practices it is mandatory for the nurses to continuously update their skills and competencies to perform their task in an effective and efficient way (NMC 2008, 8).

Skills Acquired

Respect for Autonomy

The most important ethical value that a nurse should adopt is to pay respect to the autonomy of the patients. There are some patients who feel reluctant to show their body parts to others and express their wish to be self-determined in that case a nurse should not coerce a patient for any such things rather seeks the permission of the patient (May 2001, 111).


This means that a nurse should not malpractice in the duties and responsibilities that are obliged to him/her. A nurse should not make an attempt to cause harm of any sort to any patient. In any situation where a nurse has to examine body parts or provide any sort of care and if the patient is reluctant then nurse should first gain the consent of the patient. Performing a physical examination and providing care such as bed bathing without the permission of the patient can be ...
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