Recruitment Plan And Strategy For Staffing Organizations

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Recruitment Plan And Strategy For Staffing Organizations

Recruitment Plan And Strategy For Staffing Organizations


The human resource is the asset of any organization and the success of any organization depend upon its people. The effective human resource guarantees the success and growth of any organization. The recruitment process is basically to attract the most skilled applicants for the employment. Recruitment process involves the generation of pool of effective applicants and then selecting the best candidate that suits the requirements of the organization. It is the most initial step by which the new employees are selected. It is the first and basic step towards generating the competitive force and the competitive advantage for the organizations. The recruitment and selection process is the most important task of the department of human resource management.

Importance of recruitment process

The recruitment step enables the organization to discover the work force with the enhanced skills to meet the staffing requirements of the organization with those skilled people. The whole recruitment procedure involves the strategies and measures that make the whole process efficient and effective and that also meet the requirements of organization in effective manner. The effective recruitment strategy and plans helps the organization to recruit the right people for the right job at the right time. It overall helps the management to select the right applicants for the vacancies available. The main purpose of the recruitment process is to accelerate the selection process.

In the recruitment process the organization not only considers the recruitment of the employees that it currently needs, but also, the organization attempts to build the pool of applicants for the future requirements of the human resources for which the currently the vacancies does not exists.

Functions of recruitment process

The success of the organization and the overall procedures of recruitments depend upon the management that identifies the need of the human resources for the business operations.

According to Richardson, M. A. (2012), the recruitment phase is the most important phase that involves the activities that has very significant impact on the performance of the organization. If the recruitment decisions are not efficient and are taken upon the poor analytical basis, it will directly have impact upon the future growth and success and it will limit the achievements of the organization in the future.

The main functions the recruitment plans and strategies involve the following phases:

The plan involves attracting more applicants to apply for the vacancies because it enables the organization to have the high number of options to select the most suitable applicant.

The higher number of options of applicants generated helps the organization of have the pool of most talented and skilled applicants for their jobs requirements.

The recruitment planning and strategies allows the organization find out the present and the future requirements of the organization in combination with its human resources planning and job analysis activities.

Along with the major departments in the organization, whether the organization is of lager size or of small size, the recruitment is the department that has link between the employers and the ...
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