Recruitment And Selection Strategies

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Recruitment and Selection Strategies

Recruitment and Selection Strategies


This paper will present the discussion on the recruitment and selection techniques and procedures that are best for achieving the organization's goal of hiring the best employees. Being the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) at the organization, one of my primary roles is to be the workforce strategist. The organization where I work is planning to expand its business operations to the neighboring state by opening an office. As a result of this expansion, the organization needs to ensure that the best and brightest employees are recruited to fill key roles at the new office. For that reason, we have to identify and analyze the steps involved in recruiting the staff at the new office.


Recruitment activities are a key issue for the company. They produce an increased workforce and allow considering a renewal of skills. However, this is an investment in uncertainty. Traditionally, uncertainty was presented as affecting two dynamics. On the one hand, it is the candidate's abilities (identification of expertise in a broad sense); however, on the other hand, referring to the changes in business operations and organization of work (staff turnover, versatility possible route in the company) (Muchinsky, 2012).

Recruitment process may vary in its implementation according to the vacant position. However, we assume that the formalization of uncertainty sources constitutes a relevant framework to address the issue of recruitment. This uncertainty is not neutral because it has the risk of derailing the recruitment. Risk can be interpreted as an opportunity cost and therefore, loss to the company. The recruitment process is implemented therefore, to reduce the uncertainty about the identification of candidates' skills and their contribution with respect to the accuracy required.

The process of recruitment and selection depends not only on the organizational structure, its size and the nature, but also on the type of the vacant position. Searching for new employees is an important element for each employer. Every employer wants to have the most suitable candidate who does not only have the appropriate qualifications, but also fit into the structure of the organization (Steel, 2006).

Recruitment is one of the stages of exploration and adoption of the employee to work. Specifically, it is the process of finding the right person for the job market. During this stage, it is the responsibility of the employer to attract the best candidates to apply for the position in the company. Another key step is the search for the selection of the employee. For employers, this is the stage at which decisions are made.

The search for a suitable candidate for a job is a very difficult task, which requires the employer commitment, time and financial investment. To be successful, recruitment process is necessary to perform according to the certain milestones. The selection cannot be done without defining position, and develop and carry out the selection process (Muchinsky, 2012).

Recruitment techniques used by employers depend on many factors, including the type and size of the company or the degree of ...
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