Strategic Recruitment

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Strategic Recruitment

Strategic Recruitment

Importance to the organization

HRM is accountable for the people element of a company. It is HRM responsibility for hiring proficient people, train them, encourage them to compete at high levels, and providing systems to make sure that the employees retain their productive association with the company.

Hiring qualified people is the most important responsibility for HR. There is maybe no new crucial topic in HRM than the selection of employee, as correct hiring drives the business towards the accurate direction and trains them to gain competitive advantage above the competitors.

A company fails to reach its strategic company objectives by lacking efficient people and accurate training. The victory of a company truly depends on having the correct people in the correct job at the right time, the strategic objectives of the organization and customs should determine the people chosen.

In other words, the selection criterion must be persistent with the strategic business objectives of the organization. Organizations these days are facing innovatory changes, global competition and complex technologies. Companies that fail to have the right person at the right place at the right time are at danger. (Thomas, 2003)

An appropriate match among job and the capabilities of employee are now the economic necessity. The pressures of cost saving, competition, global skill and downsizing shortages have made recruitment and selection the highest priority. The competition for talent means that capable workers are today's prized trophies. Talented employees are the foundation of competitive edge for many companies. (Jeffery, 2006)

It is true that organizations succeed or fail on the basis of talents of employees, and then mangers directly influence that success by the people they hire. Regardless of whether the company is large or small, hiring the best and the brightest employees lay a strong foundation for excellence.

There are normally two challenges in hiring, categorization of unsuitable candidates for easy to fill positions and locating applicants for hard to fill positions. Strategic staffing addresses these issues equally.

Corporations are defined by the excellence of their leaders. When the matter comes of hiring them, there shouldn't be any compromise. (Laabs, 2005)

Bringing the correct people into the boardroom or choosing senior executives is one of the most important strategic decisions of organization. Whatever you place at the top would filter down. You require people who are able to be trusted to attain results and protect the future. (Jeffery, 2006)

Traditional HR versus Strategic HR

Strategic HRM realizes that employees can build or destroy a corporation since all of the decisions made whether of finance, marketing, operations or technology by the people of organization. So it contains utmost priority to organizing people and tries to incorporate all Human Resource programs and policies with the general company strategy. It requires people at every level to focus extra on strategic issues rather than operating issues.

Strategic HR is transformational in nature; it helps the workers and the organization to adopt learning and perform quickly. It would ensure that initiatives of change that are concentrating on making top performance ...
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