Recruitment And Selection

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Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection


The success of human resource is dependent on the determination of needs of human resource. The actual process of recruitment begins after identifying the aforementioned need. Recruitment is the process that involves recruiting the potential candidates for the available vacancies in the organization. It creates a link between people seeking job and people having jobs already. This process is initiated for attracting large number of applicants to perform a specific task. The recruitment and selection both are integral functions of Human resource manager. Its main purpose is to select the right candidate for the right job at right time. The process involves various stages and steps such as recruitment, selection, induction etc. Staffing is done by almost all managers in an organization by electing the most deserving candidate for the desired designation or post within the organization. These both functions of recruitment and selection go hand in hand whenever the need to hire additional manpower arises (Cooper, Robertson, and Tinline, 2003, pp. 115-145).



The main purpose of recruitment is to hire the additional manpower when needed. It is not necessary to always hire from external labor market. An organization can also choose to hire from within the organization or existing employees if condition or circumstances are feasible. Organizations can also outsource or hire employees on temporary basis instead of hiring full time employees. A temporary need of recruitment can be covered by hiring employees on part time basis and making existing employees do over time. The plan for recruitment should be based upon considering all the possible alternatives of recruitment (Keep and James, 2010, pp. 1-45).

The recruitment is a process that involves attracting potential or capable applicants and provoking those candidates to apply for a particular job or employment in the organization. Recruitment is carried out by hiring a right person for right job (Bernthal 2002, pp. 83). The process of recruitment begins by preparing for recruitment. However, there is no formal method of requesting or promoting for a vacant position, but it should not be an informal request as it can be interpreted as misleading and may also not fulfill the true purpose. It is necessary to prepare a job description and specification of a person fit for the vacant position to begin the recruitment process. It is important that candidate and HR manager both most have correct information to yield correct results. The request of a job should have correct and desired requirement for a new job and the person's specification must have all the necessary information for carrying out job successfully. Job description is consisting of duties and responsibilities of the candidate related to the job. The recruitment process is complimented by correct selection process.

There are many ways by which an employer can hire new employees. One of the most common is utilizing the services of employment agencies. This option is feasible for those organizations that have not any established and well competent Human resource function or unit in the ...
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