Recruitment And Selection

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Recruitment and Selection


The main objective of recruiting and selecting the appropriate options and preferences of potential candidates in relation to the requirements and benefits, in particular, work (Herriot, 1989, Montgomery, 1996; Plumbley, 1985). Recruitment and selection is the foundation of how companies acquire the necessary measures to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage for human over its competitors (Aaker, 1989, Jackson et al., 1989, Pettigrew, et al. 1988; Raghuram and Arvey, 1996; Walker, 1992) and therefore the employment, especially in leadership positions in organizations, may also be one of the most important functions of human resource management (Judge and Ferris, 1994). Plumbley (1985) believes that the profitability and even survival of enterprises is usually dependent on the level of employment and it is suggested that the costs of inefficient viability can often be attributed to years of poor recruitment and selection methods (Lewis, 1984; Plumbley, 1985; Smith and Robertson, 1993; Terpstra, 1996).

In this article we will discuss current thinking on the process of recruitment and selection in organizations, based on data from 1992 and 1995 Irish Cranet E Review [1], to examine the nature of current recruitment and selection practices in Ireland, with particular emphasis on management functions. In connection with the recruitment, review of software solutions, we believe the method of recruitment as well as the impact of ownership, size, sector and trade unions on the methods chosen representatives. Regarding the choice of methods used to identify and situations in which they are most often used in bold.

Literature Review

Many of the recent literature on the management of staff, emphasized the need for recruitment and selection of workers who are involved in the organization. Recent waves of organizational restructuring has changed dramatically, in many cases the destruction of the existing employment relationship. Like the traditional autocratic structures are becoming flatter and organizations use multidisciplinary teams to remain competitive, it is a strategic and transparent system of significance (Hackman, 1986; O'Reilly, et al. 1991; Raghuram and Arvey, 1996; Worren and Koestner, 1996). Heraty et al. (1997) suggest that increasingly, many organizations are currently undergoing the structures that are built in functions and jobs, which focuses on independent working groups consisting of the authorized persons from different backgrounds, replacing the traditional specialized personnel. Stress Burack and Singh (1995), that companies should adjust the people who can adapt to rapidly changing customer needs and operational structure and Pfeffer (1994) argues that workers and their work is a significant difference between successful and unsuccessful organizations. He argues that technology and the ever shortening product life cycle, the main source of competitive advantage will be the individual employees. Krauthamer and Dorfman (1996, p. 49) is a continuation of this point of view of the current business environment and to emphasize that:

At times of significant change and development today, re-engineering to meet the needs of organizations in the reduction or loss of value (search) companies must be equipped with recruiting people who can work in unstructured or "virtual" organization ...
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