Recruitment And Performance Management

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Recruitment and Performance Management at St Thomas' Hospital

Recruitment and Performance Management at St Thomas' Hospital


Employees are considered as the most important asset and ingredient of an organization, (Torrington et al., and 2010, 66). Organizations need to have qualified, capable and experiences candidates which needs to be managed efficiently in order to attain success. Proper and effective recruitment along with efficient performance management system can help organizations to meet affirmative action goals and increase organizational effectiveness. Healthcare industry is a massive industry that encompasses individuals who work in almost every profession. Healthcare firms employ large number of employees on service and professional occupations. Collectively, these two groups account for 77% of the jobs in the industry whereas 18% job share is of administration support.

In such as large industry it often becomes difficult to hospitals to recruit capable potential candidates because of increased competition. On the other hand, their performance management is also not an easy task. Despite various challenges there are several healthcare organizations that are effectively performing these both function (recruitment and performance management). In this paper we are going to discuss the example of a hospital that is effectively recruiting potential capable candidates and manage their performance with their effective processes. We have chosen St Thomas' Hospital for the analysis (Charles, 1994, 1813). The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of effective recruitment and process of performance management not only in terms of theory but also through its practical implementation in hospital.

Organizational Brief

St Thomas' Hospital is a largest and famous National Health Service hospital in London. The hospital is easily accessible from Westminster tube station, Lambeth North Tube Station, and Waterloo Station. Initially the hospital was founded during 12th century but was closed in 1540. Later in 1551 it was refounded by royal charter. This hospital is considered as one of the five main endowed royal hospitals of London (Crockford, 1951, 568). Hospital provide impatient and outpatient services such as: cardiothoracic, dermatology, paediatric neurology, clinical pharmacology, surgery, obstetrics, and critical care Effective and quality services provided by staff of St, Thomas gave the hospital financial security. The hospital currently has the space for 840 beds and employs more than 3500 staff members and 750 physicians. Physicians, surgeons, and nursing staff have its own hierarchy. Recruitment at St Thomas' Hospital

The recruitment is part of the staffing process, and comes after enrolment. Recruitment is defined as the process of identification of different resources of personnel. It can also be defined as the process of searching the suitable candidate for the advertised post. Recruitment process precedes the selection process; it is the selection of appropriate candidates for certain posts in the organization (McKee, 1998, 316). The purpose of Recruitment process is to include persons with high competition to the different work areas of the organization. In recruitment HR professionals are not only involved but line managers are also significant part of recruitment. It is a process that whose effectiveness is ...
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