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Recession means the general decline in economic activity from one country or region, measured by the decrease in the annual rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for a sufficiently long period of time. There is no agreement in the literature about which is the period, although the time has come to spread the opinion issued by Julius Shiskin in an article published in the daily New York Times in 1975 on two consecutive quarters of decline as term defining the term. In this paper, I will discuss the prevalent economic recession in north-eastern parts of England and Scotland; discuss the economic theories of optimal development of Adam Smith and Michael Porter and efforts made to fight recession.

Adam Smith

The fundamental work of Adam Smith, Research on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, is considered the benchmark indicator of the rise of political economy to a science. His five volumes appeared in 1776, translated into the principal languages, promptly gave its author an outstanding reputation.

In Research, Smith critically to gather and coordinate economic theories developed so extensively and then developing them especially trying to collect about a unitary criterion: freedom of economic activity (which rely on individual utility) with respect to morality (which is based on sympathy). "Man has always needed the help of their peers but would wait in vain trusted in their benevolence only. Not the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest" (Smith, 2009, pp. 145). This is the first statement of the theory of economic fact in relation to morality, without thereby arise between any forms of opposition.

With this premise, Smith goes to building the system. Physiocratic determination to overcome the position, says it is not nature, but the work, the source from which a nation gets the products it consumes annually. The higher productivity of labour depends on their division, consisting of the division of the production process required to create a thing in different phases, each assigned to an operator. It is clear that division of labour system (some made hats, other shoes, some bread), the change is essential for the generalization of course need the monetary instrument, through which one can procure what you need to exchange.

Hence the problem of "value", in which Smith, while clearly distinguishing between "use value" (the utility of a thing to its possessor) and "exchange value" (power to purchase something with it other), confuses utility with the utility abstract certain things, and made dependent on the "real price" whether the work required to produce a thing, now this thing work save its possessor, now allowing you to work impose on others. “Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition” (Smith, 2009, pp. 251).

However, for Smith only "work" that has some value unchanged is the real measure and last on the value of all things at all times and places is compared and ...
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