Ramifications For Juveniles

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Ramifications for Juveniles

Ramifications for Juveniles

Juvenile Justice System

When a minor is accused of committing a crime or a crime that results from a condition (status Offense), the official responsible for receiving the juveniles in the juvenile court decides how to proceed through the stages of the criminal justice system. The officer assesses many factors, including:

The degree of probability that the youth has committed the act.

The seriousness of the offense or the level of violence of the act. For example, is the first time that is absent from school?

The possibility that the child has had any previous contact with the juvenile justice system to justify a severe measure, such as probation or supervision applies in a juvenile court.

The need for the child to be temporarily detained in a juvenile justice center.

The potential benefits to appear before a special court.

The extrajudicial measures or the use of alternative programs as an appropriate response to the case. For example, if a child was seen destroying the property of one person, the court should require the child to compensate the victim for damages (Bloom, 2009).

If the complainant is not a parent when the child is taken to interrogation, it is necessary to contact a parent who has custody of the child or guardian. During the first 24 hours in custody, the child must appear before a probation officer, judge or judicial referee. This is called an initial appearance or preliminary (Myersm, 2009).


Most states set minimum and maximum age to judge people as minors or adults. Like adults, juveniles can be charged with felonies and misdemeanors. However, only juveniles can be charged with crimes Offenses condition or status in English. This condition is a minor. Examples of these offenses include: absent to school, violating curfew and running away from home. The prosecutor must prove, in the same way ...
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