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Racism - A Failure in the Criminal Justice System


Race and ethnicity are common issues in criminology. They are the key socio-demographic variables used by the empirical criminologists to describe victims of crime and offenders, and criminal justice practices. In the criminal justice system, the racial minorities are often oppressed. Racial discrimination has been active and prominent in the United States of American throughout its history. The country though driven by the quest for freedom, in terms of religious, political, and economic liberty, yet, the American justice system has room for inequality and oppression of the minorities.

Table of Contents




Institutional Racism3

Racism in the Jury System4

Disproportionate Representation of Minorities4

Racial Profiling4

Harsher Punishments for People of Color5

Effects of Racism6



Annotated Bibliography9

Racism - A Failure in the Criminal Justice System


The criminal justice system of US does not take into account the cultural sensitivity needs at many occasions, both in the administration and provision of justice. The core purpose of any justice system is equality and fairness i.e. justice for all. Thus, minorities whether they are segmented into aces or religious sects should be treated with equality and provided justice by the justice system.

Racism affects lives of millions of peoples because of the discrimination they have to face. Not only that racism is rampant in every institution and structure of the society, including the justice system, where racism has become an example of institutionalized racism. An overview of the justice system of US reveals how racism is in fully active in every aspect of the justice system (Falk, 2011).

Over the years, many extensive studies have been conducted on racism in the justice system, through which statistics regarding the racial discrimination have come t light. For gaining a comprehensive understanding of racism in the criminal justice system personal, systematic, and ideological racism also needs to be taken into account.

Furthermore, if racism has to be eliminated from the justice system individual attempts will not be effective, in fact, comprehensive social actions need to be taken so as to addresses and eradicate the institutional and systematic racism (Falk, 2011).

The legacies of colonialism and racism still affect US and the policies and practices of the justice system today. According to a research, there are 2.1 million adult people incarcerated in the US, out of which approximately 70 percent are people of color. This is because the justice system of the US has racist laws. Whereby, people of color are denied access to the option of rehabilitation. As if that was not enough racial discrimination is also practiced in the form of harassment and mistreatment of people of color by the law enforcers. Though people of color do commit crimes, as well, but they are targeted and treated is criminals unequally in comparison with the white counterparts all through the criminal justice system. This leads to the consequent disproportionate incarceration of people of color (DJ, 2011).


Throughout the history, ethnic and racial minorities have borne the brunt of racially discriminatory practices of the US societal ...
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