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Multiculturalism dead or alive in the Contemporary UK

Multiculturalism dead or alive in the Contemporary UK


Cultural diversity is an old phenomenon in the history of civilizations and states for a long time, men have continued to migrate beyond their borders and to mix with other cultures. Many states with an array of different nationalities in the same territory with concerns of equality and respect for human rights advocated even more today than ever, it is a challenge to accommodate all these cultures, to offer them recognition, they are seen as minorities in their own countries or are of immigrant origin (Sailer, 2007, 41). The purpose of this paper is to identify whether multiculturalism is dead or alive in contemporary UK. The notion of multiculturalism arises from the conjunction of two terms: multiple and culture, the word multiple means many different elements together, and the word culture can have several meanings: first, the culture is an element of social context that shapes our personality and influence about our identity. Secondly we must also emphasize that culture is a human product, social and therefore constantly changing for this man's actions.

Culture has two main components:

Material culture: this consists of all tangible items related to a certain culture may be the way they dress, religious symbols (the Muslim veil, the Christian crucifix), art, literature.

Intangible culture: are the set of values, beliefs, thinking of acting, marriage customs (polygamy, monogamy) religion, how to use the time.

The term multiculturalism can be used to reflect reality in its normative sense and also to designate the multiculturalists ideology (Avery, 1996, 3).

Thesis Statement

Multiculturalism is still alive and well in the Contemporary UK.


Multiculturalism is the first expression of cultural pluralism, which promotes non-discrimination on grounds of race or culture, celebration and recognition of cultural difference and the right to it. Multiculturalism is located within antisimilacionista philosophy of cultural pluralism, is both a factual situation as a proposed social organization. Within the pluralist paradigm, the multiculturalimo emerged as a model of public policy as a philosophy or social thought in reaction to cultural uniformity in times of globalization. It is designed as an opposition to the tendency in modern societies towards unification and universal culture, which celebrates and seeks to protect cultural diversity, while focusing on the common relations of inequality of minorities compared to majority cultures (Putnam, 205). In the genesis and expansion of multiculturalism were especially influential the lines followed in North America and some Western European countries, particularly the United Kingdom. They have subsequently been added and multicultural multi important considerations, from the Latin American proposals in relation to autonomy and self-determination of indigenous peoples.

Multiculturalism has been challenged from positions directly from political and theoretical positions of strong ideological critical depth. In countries like France, Germany, Britain and the Netherlands, multiculturalism is closer to the design of the United States is holding as a form of community advocacy and immigrant populations around a nationality or a common ...
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