Race And Community

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Race and Community

Race and Community


Diversity in ethnicities and race has a significant role in many communities and localities. However, my community enjoys a certain calm and a close connection amongst the different people who inhabit the place. The subdivision of the residential area in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina that I live in may be regarded as “upper-middle class”, and hence the racial demographics here are a bit different. Still, these depict all that we can hope to find in any of the communities.

Racial Statistics

My neighborhood is quite large, with over 100 houses in my subdivision. Naturally, it is very diverse too. One can find people from every ethnic and national background, race and culture. The major segment of the population here is formed by African-American families. I did a brief survey on the families that reside in proximity to my home asking them about their nationality, and returned with the following stats.

Fifteen African-American families

Three Indian families

Two Chinese families

Six Hispanic-American families

Three Caucasian Families

One home owned by a group of Caucasian friends (www.city-data.com)

Interpretation of Statistics

The findings of my research mean that, amongst the survey group, I belong to the minority group within my community. Most of the people in my neighborhood not only look different from me but also have a different lifestyle in terms of their family and social interactions and religious practices. Being a mid-twenties Polish-American with streaked Mohawk hair and a strongly built physique, I am easily distinguished from the others in my community based on looks. However, despite the fact that I live amongst people from different cultural and racial backgrounds and that I appear very different, I still feel I belong to the community.

Community Behaviors

There appears to be a lack of network communication amongst different segments of the subdivision in my community. ...
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