Quote And Importance Of History

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Quote and Importance of History

Quote and Importance of History


The paper is intended to understand the importance of history and its quotation that are meant for learning about the great significance and fact. In this way, I have selected the famous quotation of one of the most influential president of U.S.A. quotations also contains simple and shorter words, but holds huge detail and history of that particular subject. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves (www.facsen.udel.edu).” This famous quote is penned down by Abraham Lincoln, who was the 16th president of U.S.A. His words were very appealing and had in-depth meaning for the reader to understand about the condition of America. We cannot deny that Abraham Lincoln reigned in the most difficult time of American history, which is famous for the Civil War. He showed the way for the civil rights by reducing slavery. This quotation was initially considered in this perspective. He believed that the nation itself was tearing itself from its own internal matters. The problem to the nation was not by the attacking forces, but it was due to the differences in ideology and the functioning of government. We can analyze that this simple quote describes the entire political, economical and military condition of America and its people.

Discussion Analysis

This quotation of Abraham Lincoln means that U.S.A is a nation with resources, wealth, intelligence and defense; therefore, other nations cannot harm it or destroy it, until or unless it itself is weakened by its own internal matters. Apart from it, we cannot forget that U.S.A is a state of people diversity and ideas. Nevertheless, diversity of culture, ethical standard and opinion come from disagreement. It is important to notice that America is more tended to ...
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