Quantitative Review

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Assessment 2: Twitter for Promotion and Branding: A Content Analysis of Local Television Twitter Sites

Assessment 2: Quantitative Journal Article Review


The main hypothesis was to test the relationship between the content of the television and the social networking website, i.e. twitter. However, this was further segregated into different parts for an in-depth analysis. The questions which were the part of the hypotheses were (Greer & Ferguson, 2011, pp. 198-2012):

What is the relation between the status of the stations and the content of the TV channel on the Twitter sites?

Relationship between Twitter posts, number of subscribers and the number of TV households?

Difference between the typical daily tweets and the number of subscribers?

Furthermore, in order to ascertain the level of interactivity, the hypothesis included the following questions:.

Line between the interactive feature at Twitter sites of the particular stations, average daily tweets and the number of subscribers?

Moreover, in order the judge the promotional activities on these sites, following question was used:

Correspondence between the subscribers of the Twitter sites and the activities related to promotion?

Finally the in order to judge the prevalence of the particular Twitter strategies, following research question was used:

Presence of the Twitter strategies including the tweets related to breaking news and the promotional activities?

Importance of Research

This research is very important as both of the medium including Twitter and TV channels have close connection with each other. As a matter of fact, the primary objective of any local television channels is to draw the attention and to maintain the audiences, in order to earn dollars. However, there seems to be a decline in the both viewership and the advertising revenues. Thus the situation is very alarming for the TV channels as there was a perception that these social networking sites have the potential of substitution. In that case the need was to find a solution as the subscribers of Twitter are enormous; moreover, the role of Twitter in breaking news and sharing content is also commendable. This gives a fantastic opportunity to TV channels to utilize the medium in order to cater the masses and to create a sense of loyalty (Greer & Ferguson, 2011, pp. 198-2012).

Furthermore, the use of other forms of media including digital media is increasing, and thus enhancing the overall competitive environment. Hence, in order to survive in such an environment it is pertinent to utilize this medium and to make effective presence on Twitter. Thus it is ...
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