Quantitative And Qualitative Methods

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Quantitative and Qualitative Methods 

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods 


Recent account organized by the Nationwide Opinion Research Centre at the Academy of Chicago discovers that 1,869 African-Americans received doctoral degrees in the year 2004. This shows great augmentation of more than 9% from the year 2003. For the next year consecutively, the numeral of African American male doctorates has showed an unsurpassed record. In the year 2004 African American males made up 7.10% of all doctoral degrees earned to American people. This too is an unprecedented record. In 2003 African American males were 6.50% of all doctoral receivers, at that moment the peak level ever accomplished. There are many current studies and policy reports that are involved in the discourse of involving African American male learners in the educational domain (National Sciences Board, 2003).

Quite often, these Black learners are observed by policymakers, in a way compatible with open-minded self interest and wellbeing junction, as prospective resources in support to maintain the country's financial position and sustaining its global competitiveness. Up till now, the optimistic ends of complete and consequential involvement, on these externally-described provisions and even by individuals who meet the utmost levels of educational and proficient success, are hardly ever attained. This paper will develop two hypothetical designs for Quantitative and Qualitative methods on African American males with Ph.D.'s. This study will follow a parallel mixed design; this mixed methods research design is used to unite quantitative and quantitative methods by incorporating two parallel parts (strands).


Research Background

An increasing body of study (e.g. Spencer, 2009 & Terry, 2010) has exposed that the way to Ph.D. achievement for Black learners is a death-defying one and individuals who take a trip towards it must frequently cope with psychological and rational stresses at every stage all along the path. These preservers frequently arise from society stereotyping and deeply racially prejudiced values on the subject of the capabilities of Black male students, even in the most laissez-faire and encouraging settings. These stressful situations also call upon inner fragmentary discussions for individual African American students, as they must make a decision whether it is worthwhile drifting a pathway to academic achievement. For most spectators, the figures on African American males with PhD give the impression of trivial significance. Up till now, they are a good sign of Black development in earning the qualifications requisite for getting better posts at main academies and institutes. It is probable, too, that at such occasion as Black learners attain Ph.D. equality, or near equivalence, with white people in all educational domains, the time will also show the influx of general ethnic equal opportunity.

Research Hypothesis

This study will address the following research hypotheses:

What does it refer to be African American in the framework of education and to earn Ph.D. degree?

What are the psychological and rational stressors behind the completion of PhD level by Black Learners?

Mixed Methodology Research Approach

Selecting a suitable research method for a study is determined by research aim. The aim of the study is to investigate the rationales relating ...
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