There are two distinctive methods of conducting research, one is the quantitative research and the other is qualitative research. While choosing the type of research that is required for conducting any analysis; it is imperative to understand the type of research that would be most relevant and would help in extracting the right outcomes out of the analysis. These methods do differ from each other and yet also tend to complement one another in certain cases. It has also been agreed upon that in certain researched one method tends to be more effective than the other.
Qualitative Research versus Quantitative Research
These two branches of research are unique in them and cannot be applied to any one subject in the same way. Quantitative research means the research that is structured and systematic and uses the techniques of mathematics and statistics to determine the outcomes. It is usually used in the social researches where a connection can be made observations and statistics. However, the qualitative research is a way of determining the human behavior and what makes human behave in a particular way, the reasons and the outcomes. It is usually used in the field of social sciences and marketing research.
There are two main branches of research, and they are the Quantitative and qualitative research. Although both these branches are utilized in link with each other, however, their advantages and shortcomings are greatly argued and discussed. Specially if we consider that field of social sciences, the advantages of the quantitative and qualitative methods of research are greatly argued with serious thoughts and arguments held by the either sides of the debate. However, it has been decided and agreed by the several researcher, that there are some aspects of one research where one method is more effective than the other method, and there are just a few individuals who can devalue or negate the either method.
Quantitative research- The systematic and structured investigation of social phenomena through computational, statistical or mathematical techniques is known as “Quantitative Research”. (Denzin,, 2005)
The aim of quantitative research is to provide the link between the expressions of mathematics and observations of empirical aspect of quantitative relationships.
Qualitative research - A method of inquiring an in-depth process of human behavior and the reasons which rule that behavior is called “Qualitative research”. It is also used to inquire the different academic disciplines in market ...