Quality Management In Businesses

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Quality Management in Businesses

Quality Management in Businesses


Quality Management is widely accepted by various literatures as a managementphilosophy that characterizes a wide range of business principles, techniques and practices all of which lay emphasis on continuous improvement, teamwork,competitive benchmarking, increased employee involvement, process orientation, committed leadership, and constantmeasurement.For a manager working in an organization, oneofthe most difficult jobs is quality management. The primary purpose of quality management is to ensure the improvement of various business processes, optimization of overall businessperformance, and maximization of profitability. According to the very definition of the word, 'quality' is a standard of excellence while 'management'involves carrying out and supervising a particular task or job. Therefore, quality management refers to the management and supervision of business processes in order to ensure that a certain predefined standard of excellence is achieved.It is common for businesses to recognize a correlation between cost management and quality management. Many companies aim for achieving a standard of excellence while also making sure that their budget is not exceeded. In order for survival, and to make sure that consumers are loyal to a business, quality management is highly necessary. Having an efficient and highly skilled management staff can ensure the success of a business and help it to avoid failure. Good management is extremely for businesses that plan to improve quality and optimize processes.


Quality management is a general philosophy of gradually improving the operations of a business through the application of rigorous process analysis by every involved employee and business partner. Quality Managementis generally connected at the tacticallevel where processing, administrative, and level bosses are profoundly included(Woon, 2000, pp. 318-33). There are various instruments accessible to help in a supervisor in ensuring quality management. Some of them are highlighted below(Zeithaml et al., 1985, pp. 33-46):


PCDA cycle

Product design control

Process management

Statistical process control

A business can enjoy many benefits by following the most ideal approach towards ensuring quality management. For example, one of the most important benefits that quality management offers to businesses is that of cost reduction (Zeithaml et al., 1985, pp. 33-46). Upon consistent application over a certain period of time, quality management has the tendency to cause a significant reduction in the costs incurred by an organization. This is particularly true in terms of the amount of scrap produced as a result of inefficiency, effort and cost of rework, warranty reduction and field of service (Zeithaml et al., 1985, pp. 33-46).

Apart from this, customer satisfaction is another benefit that a business can enjoy due to quality management. This is mainly because of the fact that the company can boast a better range of products and services that are of good quality. Therefore, the interaction of the product with the customers for whom it is intended is relatively defect-free(Waldman et al., 1998, pp. 177-202). As a result, there is a significant reduction in the number of complaints filed by the customers.

Quality management puts a great amount of emphasis on the improvement of quality of products, services and the various business processes carried ...
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