Quality Management

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Quality Management

Performance excellence

When a business organization generates maximum possible profitability making use of all the capital, human and financial resources it owns, then we can say that it is achieving performance excellence. By the term, “performance excellence” we mean an incorporated approach towards management which delivers improved efficiency and performance throughout the organization, and provide great learning to individuals and organizations.

Principles of Total Quality

Total quality is a strategy adapted by organizations to Management (TQM) is an approach that seeks to enhance the performance and assures quality to such an extent that expectations of the customer are fully met or even exceeded. This is made possible by assimilating all the functions throughout the organization that deal with quality control (Goetsch & Davis, 2009). The idea of total quality revolves around these five basic principles:

Production of finest work in the first attempt;

Concentration on the demands and requirements of the customer;

Establishment of a calculated approach for the customer;

Continuity of betterment and progress;

Promotion of teamwork and respect for each other in the team.

List Crosby's absolutes of management

There are four absolutes for quality performance that were defined by the ex-president of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), late Phillip Crosby. They are:

Quality depends upon is defined as the compliance to the demands and requirements of the customers;

Prevention/anticipation is the key to improvement of quality;

The standard of quality performance is set to zero flaws or failures, which is the assurance to always comply with customer's demands.

The price of no-compliance with the customer's requirements is paid by measuring the quality.

Composition of various Categories in the Baldrige Criteria

The various categories included in the Baldrige Criteria are:


It involves the strategy owned by the higher management to run the organization and further, the way the organization competes with the different co-operations.

Strategic planning

Strategic planning ensures the establishment of best plans and implementation of strategies in the best directions.

Customer and market focus

It reflects the way the organization creates and then maintains strapping, long-term relationships with its customers.

Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

This category controls how data is used by the organization to effectively carry out main processes and administer quality performance.

Human resource focus

The focus should be on the strategy employed by the organization to authorize and indulge its staff in providing quality performance.

Process management

Process management makes sure the best designing, management and progression of the significant processes by the organization.

Business/organizational performance results:

The last but the foremost category includes the promise by the organization to work best so as to satisfy the customer, to meet up the financial, governance, social, operational, and other responsibilities related to human resources, partner-supplier relations, and the ability of the organization to compete with its opponents (Link & Scott, 2001).

Total quality in contrast with Six Sigma

Total Quality is a well thought-out strategy that guarantees the satisfaction of all types of customers as well as suppliers. Six Sigma emphasizes on producing rapid and effective results by advancing all activities undergoing a specific process. Total quality and Six Sigma are similar in a number of ways, including;

Concentration and orientation of a ...
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