A very wise business man once said that the success of any business is not dependent on how big it is or since how long it has been established but in fact it succeeds when the people, both men and women involved it live it, sleep it, dream it and together build a great future plan for it. (Postma, A. & Jenkins, K.A. 1997)
The concept of quality is widely discussed in the hospitality management. Within the context of maintaining hospitality in the hotel industry, quality can be depicted as the consistent deliverance of products and guest services based on the expected standards. Increasingly, guests are willing to pay more when they visit hospitality properties offering service that meets or exceeds their service expectations. (Postma, A. & Jenkins, K.A. 1997)
According to many researchers such as Getty, 2003; Luk and Layton, 2004, and Falces et al. in 1999, quality is one of the key underlying factors that are considered of great importance as far as the hotel industry is concerned. Today, although copious resources are made available with regards to the service quality design in the hospitality depicted within the hotel industry yet sadly only a handful have made an effort to provide a comprehensive framework and thus have rarely taken the customer point of view. From the perspective of a customer, the hospitality market is continuously inundated by many often similar and easily substitutable service offerings. This however can cause a lot of difficulties for hotel managers as they seek to differentiate their own individual hotel from that of its competitors (Reid and Sandler, 1992). However, one key solution to this challenge might be to present new and innovative features to their customers. Secondly, as the hospitality industry is rapidly changing due to progresses being made within information technology. (Postma, A. & Jenkins, K.A. 1997)
Ultimately, the benefits of offering a higher service quality have not only influenced on both hotel sector itself but also had left a lasting impression on its customers probing them to remain loyal to such hotels. Some of key advantages of assuring quality within hotels include customer loyalty, competitive advantages, customer satisfaction, management leadership, improvement in the productivity, work development, a reduction in the costs and economic profits, thus ultimately leading towards employees satisfaction, staff empowerment and involvement and increase their value of work, increased and stronger communication and teamwork and finally commitment on the different parts of management. (Reyad, A. 2005)
The Hilton Dart ford Bridge Hotel in Dart ford United Kingdom is strategically located only five miles from the novel Euro star station Ebbs fleet International, which is a high-speed rail link entering into the London King's Cross St Pancras within just a span of 17 minutes and four miles from the Blue water which is indeed one of the prime shopping centers prevalent today in Europe. (Hilton, 2011)
The Hilton Dart ford Bridge hotel effortlessly provides a striking combination of style and sophistication coupled with both comfort and relaxation for its customers hence making it the ideal base to discover ...