Quality Management

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Quality Management

Quality Management


The importance of Quality Management is quite high for any organization. There are lots of challenges for the Program Manager to implement the Quality Management system in the organization. First of all, it is vital to define the concept of Quality. Quality has defined as the best possible measure of a product in terms of its performance and reliability. The overall efforts by the employees have needed to achieve the requirements of quality. It is the main task for the Quality Assurance Department. Their role is to ensure that customer requirements have identified and fulfilled in a satisfactory manner. There are different customer needs according to the time which requires a periodic review of the quality requirements. Since the start of each business, it is important for all customers to be aware with quality issues. Any customer who buys a product has certain expectations determined by several factors in terms of intended use, form and performance which might affect each of them. If the product would meet the expectations of the customer, he or she will be happy to say that the product is of high quality. So, the quality of the product depends on its ability to be within the expectations of the customer (Jonathan, 2003).


Product quality is a key factor in any decision because it makes it easier for the customer to choose the right kind of product. Normally, the buyer requests samples from potential suppliers and then the process of inspection and examination takes place (Juran, 1951). In some situations, buyers have forced to send technical experts to assess quality management systems. In order to reduce the problems caused by personal nature and high cost, buyers have forced to assess the quality system for better resource (McLaughlin, 2006). The need has emerged for a ...
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