Quality Issues

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Quality Issues

Quality Issues


This paper intends to discuss the quality assurance, quality improvement and quality enhancement techniques which are assumed to be contemporary and important within the field of long standing preoccupation within the post compulsory sector. All the quality related issues fall under the category of evaluation and monitoring. This paper will discuss the issues of quality in the various contexts of post compulsory education and training. The recent development of approaches to quality assurance and improvement within the field of education will be discusses in this paper. The various new concepts, relevant models and systems will be discussed and explored. Critical awareness of the role and contribution to the scheme at the workplaces will be conducted. Various important concepts like quality inspection, quality audit, quality assurance, continuous self improvement, total quality management and costs of quality will be explored. Cache and Estyn remains some of the basic schemes and systems that will be discusses in the paper. NVQ P/T Childcare (Cache) remains my area of teaching within college and important aspects related to my area of teaching will be explored. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of quality within the field of education.

Significance of Quality within the Field Of Education

Quality remains the basic ingredients for every field to be successful. Education is one of the most important fields which must be linked with underlying quality. If quality education is not provided to the students than the entire future of the nation comes under jeopardy. Therefore, the field of education must have ensured quality and relevant measures must be taken in order to make sure that the field of education is providing the best quality education to the students. The significance of quality within the field of education cannot be undermined as the education field is meant to build the entire future of the nations. Therefore, it remains extremely important to ensure the quality within the field of education. The education department within United Kingdom works hard to ensure the quality of education being provided to its students. Several systems and bodies are ensuring that every field of education is adhering with the requirements of quality (PKF, 2008 Pp. 4-6).

NVQ P/T Childcare (Cache)

The National Vocational Qualification remains my area of teaching within college. The childcare programme deals with the children ages zero to sixteen years of age. Different settings like childminding, classroom assistants, preschool, day care and even community aspects are taught within this area. This field allows the recognised qualification to work with children. Different experiences in relation with child care setting like day nurseries or playgroup remains the basic requirements to get enrolled within this field of education. The basic things which I teach within this module remains communication skills, personal development, health and safety, equality, child development and most important safeguarding or protecting children (Windsor, 2004 Pp. 5-8).

Cache remains the basic awarding body in relation with this ...
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