Quality Improvement Plan

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Quality Improvement Plan

Quality Improvement Plan of a Health Care facility


The St. Michael's Hospital is situated in North Dakota in the United States of America and it provides customers with health care facilities. Its vision is to become the champion of a quest for a healthier world which is considered to be never-ending. They aim of providing its customers with a culture of caring and discovery. Their mission statement highlights their determination of recognizing the values of every individual which is guided by committing themselves to leadership as well as excellence. They offer to provide emotional, physical and spiritual care to every patient along with their families. Apart from that it also tends to build an environment where every employee is valued and respected, providing them with the opportunity for professional as well as personnel growth. They also claim to advance in the services of health care education as well as fostering a culture of discovery in all of their activities along with the support to the researches of health sciences. The hospital tends to strengthen its relations with various colleges, universities, agencies, other hospitals as well as the community. They also claim to use their resources efficiently which demonstrates social responsibility.

Performance measurement is the activity of ensuring the efficient and effective meeting of goals. It is also considered to be a process which helps organizations supports their systems, resources as well as employees to priorities and strategic objectives (Daniel, A. 2004). On the other hand, quality improvement process is a procedure which focuses on ensuring the continuous improvement of the quality standards of health care facilities.


The primary Quality improvement indicators make use of Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). St. Michael's Hospital makes use of this in defining its three basic indicators of the Quality improvement process. The three external indicators ...
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