Quality Care

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Delivering high quality care and working with people to provide a positive experience of care is a fundamental part of the nurse's role

Delivering high quality care and working with people to provide a positive experience of care is a fundamental part of the nurse's role


The paper draws formative essay on the growing role of nursing in the quality health care. Firstly, the paper defines and elaborates the term high quality care with the help of prior research studies. Then it undertakes analysis of various research studies to provide a valid and reliable answer to the paper statement that high quality care and therapeutic relationship is a basic part of the role of today's nurse. In order to draw better understanding, the paper collects relevant information on legal, ethical and professional aspects of nursing and how it may assist a nurse to ensure high quality care.

Moreover, the paper identifies various aspects of nursing roles and responsibilities that may contribute to the development of Therapeutic Relationship. Finally, the paper draws conclusion on the overall understanding of the subject matter by concluding formative and relevant information on the relationship between high quality care and role of a nurse.


With the advent of twenty first century, human world has witnessed the progress and transfusion in the profession of nursing. Conventionally, nurses were only considered to be the assisting staff of the doctor, who will update and assist the doctor with patient's care. However, the dawn of twenty first century brought major shift in this traditional thought and made nurse as a significant member of the healthcare environment. In the contemporary world, nurses are not only involved with patient care, but they are also empowered to take critical health decisions regarding the health progress of a patient. Significant advancement has been made in the academic and practical fields to embrace nurses with the ability to make an active and vital contribution in assuring the high quality care.

In the academic field, students of this profession are encouraged to acquire ADN and BSN degrees in order to become an RN, which is a reputable and renowned qualification in the field of nursing. It enables nurses to learn technicalities of the clinical practices and enhance their decision making skills. Moreover, growing emphasis on evidence based and safe clinical practices have opened up the window of advancement opportunities for nurses, who are determined to progress and make positive contribution in prevailing high quality standards of health across the country. As the nurses are becoming more empowered in the clinical field of experience, so are growing their responsibilities and professional expectations. Hence, the growing role of nurses has set implications for legal, ethical and professional aspects of nursing job that may pave the way for effective health care and therapeutic relationship.

High Quality Care

According to Mitchell (2008, p. n.d.), quality health care has been viewed as an overarching sunshade that takes into account the safety of patient. There is no doubt to the fact that the term quality was coined by ...
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