Quality Assurance In Hospitals

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Quality Assurance in Hospitals

Quality Assurance in Hospitals


A professional concept that is composed of processes used for stimulating and assessing the quality of medical practice by gauging results and comparing it with the current demands and criteria of medical care. The medical activities should be well organized and controlled. Quality assurance is an ethical and moral obligation for the individual specialist but it should be a voluntary responsibility of all the hospitals.

Quality assurance in hospitals is of great importance because if they are not maintaining the quality they cannot survive. An external peer assessment and self assessment process that is used by the health care organizations to maintain the quality standards and to execute ways that can bring improvement can directly refer to Quality assurance in health care industry or hospitals. It is not just setting the standards for maintaining the quality but to plan for continuous improvement in the overall performance and quality of the system. There are certain methods like counseling, self-improvement plans and analytical dimensions that can help hospitals in assuring the optimum quality for the patients. Hospital accreditation is also referred to the quality assurance in hospitals (Klazinga, 1998). Quality assurance is an important component that helps the hospitals in maintaining the patient safety and in promotion of health care. There are mainly two ways that can support the quality assurance in hospitals those are; international healthcare quality assurance and healthcare and hospital quality assurance at local level.


One of the most important industries that are responsible for health promotion in the society is the healthcare industry. Hospital should be the place that promotes safety not only for patients but also for its staff and for the general public. Quality is considered as one of the most important aspects of any service but if it comes to the healthcare service it becomes extremely important. Due to the recent health issues that are faced by the healthcare industry in various countries, the NGO's and other social groups have taken huge action against them. So now it has become compulsory to follow the strict patterns that support health promotion through resolving the existing health issues in the healthcare industry (Falk, 1989).

Quality can only be assured by the hospitals and other healthcare institutions by following the evidence-based practices, patient safety and risk management and continuous learning and development. If hospitals want to maintain quality healthcare services for the society than they should encourage, maintain and improve management and integration of their overall system and processes (Vladeck, 1988). Healthcare services should not have variation in care and costs. Every patient should get the same treatment and medication to maintain the quality and equity in the healthcare sector. Public confidence and trust can be very effective in enhancing the quality of hospitals and it will definitely promote quality assurance principles and standardization (Falk, 1989). Quality assurance in hospitals can be measured by the healthcare quality measurements. These measurements can provide the means for defining what hospitals are actually doing and ...
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