Qualitative Research Article

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Qualitative Research Article

Qualitative Research Article


Qualitative data comprise of experiences and words, not numerical data. In order to analyze a data, creativity, deep understanding and thorough study are required (Houghton, et al., 2010). Qualitative research is essentially a collection of various approaches that have similarities as well as differences. Qualitative research documents not consider the truth as objective, but as a subjective reality that is personally experienced at different levels by each individual (Pringle, et al., 2011). Despite national and international guidelines and steps taken to minimize the risk of hypertension, population based studies have found that almost two third of people with hypertension are either untreated or inappropriately controlled, including a great number who remain undiagnosed (Smith et al., 2011). In 2005, a study reviewed the qualitative research on drug taking in a vast range of medical ailments and found that patients often decided intentionally not to take drugs, rather than unintentionally skipping those (Ryan et al., 2009). A better understanding of patients' views, through qualitative research, is therefore essential to educate the population about the low rates of treatment, adherence, and control and to bring into notice the development of evidence based interventions to modify management. It is also a very significant postulate to think over that physicians' failure to recognize the people education about the causes and risk of disease is one of the key hurdle to the success of public health programmes. According to this study, physicians are also one of the motivating factors for patients, so the chances of stroke an eventually the heart attack cause by the hypertension could be much less. As in this busy era of life people have a highly busy life style. Their eating and sleeping habits, fast professional life, having easily available tasty junk food, stress, depression, other mental disorders, lack ...
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