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QIPP Transformation in Physiotherapy

QIPP Transformation in Physiotherapy


NHS is the National Health Service provided for the citizens of England. It was formed in the year 1948, and it is the largest funded service of the month. The main aim of NHS is to provide free access to the facility of the best healthcare. NHS is completely free for all the people living in UK accept for the dental, optical and drug prescription charges. NHS is financed by the tax which is given to the department of health parliament. NHS was started with a budget of £437.5 million and now in the year 2012 its budget is £108.9 billion (nhs.uk). NHS started a Quality, innovation, productivity and prevention program (QIPP) which includes all of its staff and patients. QIPP works for the betterment of care and quality of service. NHS is also facing the problems of providing the best efficiency. It can be made better by making the service cheaper and enhancing the quality. QIPP is a step forward to make the service of NHS better. QIPP works on twelve major paths which are distributed into three groups. The three groups are commissioning, providers, and supporting work pathways (DoH, 2010a). QIPP plays an essential role in the establishment of the health system that is more realistic clinically and financially. Saving money and enhancing the quality is the main aim of any service. Physicians change their judgment often which creates an effect on the NHS budget and clinicians are the most powerful part of the system. They have the finest information about the supply of the best quality care and the program of QIPP demands every clinician to re organize their daily plan so that changes can be done regarding the better supply of care QIPP has a scheme which is subdivided into two categories: (A.) Transactional It is the strategy which is potentially secure and easy to deliver.

(B.) Transformational There is a need of enhancement of the care setup and development of new services. It is the conversion of secondary healthcare to primary healthcare (Valentine S. 2013, pp.2)More than 75% hospitals in London do not have the facility of the Early Discharge Pathway for the stroke patients. The remaining 25% hospitals do not have proper and skilled team members or they are not equipped with the proper instruments for the home rehabilitation service. There was a team created, and proper early safety discharge guidelines were taught to them. These trained groups of people then first identify the people who had a minor stroke attack and early safety discharge should be given to them. The team further recognizes those patients who need rehabilitation service at home and up to how many weeks they are in need of intensive care(NHS.uk).

Discussion QIPP is necessary to achieve to avoid the shortage of £ 20bn by the year 2015; QIPP can be accomplished by increasing the efficiency of the system, enhancing the productivity and by mapping new ...
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