Sexual Health

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Sexual Health Policy

Sexual Health Policy


Reproductive and Sexual health along with HIV is a main issues of public health, and improvement in services in this regard has been observed as one of very significant health priorities of the public in the three in England. People of England have the poorest sexual health in the Europe.

Services for Sexual health and HIV have a key prospects to meet the challenges of Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) that make full utilization of the policy improvements that have been set out in improving the services for national's sexual health.

A constant national and local focus on services transformation will pay instant returns (French, 2009: 16). Achievement of these economic, social and health benefits will quickly and clearly show the impact of policy improvement and the advanced approach to improve to sexual health. Doing it right in reproductive & sexual health and HIV will increase confidences of public in achieving health improvements for long term, in the use of illegal drug, tobacco, alcohol, and in obesity (Healey, 2000: 3-13).

Sexual Health

Sexual health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a state of physical, emotional, mental and social related to sexuality, which is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or disability. Than Sexual health is achieved and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled to the fullest “. The sexual refers to a state of complete physical, mental and social, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all aspects related to sexuality. It also involves the possibility of exercise and their sexual and reproductive rights.

A good sexual and reproductive health involves the ability to enjoy a life satisfying and safe sex, the possibility of exercising the right to procreate, the freedom to decide the number and spacing of children, the right to obtain information that will allow making free and informed decisions, without being discriminated, coercion and violence, access to safe, effective, acceptable and affordable means of fertility control, elimination of domestic and sexual violence, affecting the integrity and health, the right to adequate health care allowing safe pregnancies and deliveries, and access of all people to quality services and programs to promote, detect, prevent and treat all events related to sexuality and reproduction (Naidoo, Wills, 2011: 22-25).

Furthermore, the possibility to benefit from health technology is mediated by three elements: the knowledge that women and families have about when, where and why seeking assistance; geographical barriers and economic micas and must face the possibility of making use of the services without interfering in their daily activities inside and outside the home (Baggot, 2000: 19).

The Advantages of Policy Improvement in Sexual Health

Sexual health is a significant part of the public health of nation. There'll be actual advantages from inclusion of these within the extent of local and national work to develop better sexual health. Particularly:

Economic Benefit of Health

There's a strong facts that shows that policy improvement in reproductive and sexual health and HIV services ...
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