Sexual Health

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Sexual Health

Sexual Health


A meeting of Education and Treatment of Human Sexuality: The Training of Health Professionals was convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, 6-12 February 1974.Participants were invited to participate on the basis of their expertise and experience in teaching, research, or clinical practice in the field of human sexuality in various countries.


The meeting was asked to make a critical review and make recommendations in the following areas:

The role of sexology in health programs, particularly in family planning activities;

The content and methodology of teaching human sexuality to the health professions;

Identification of patterns of treatment and counseling, to address priority needs in different cultural contexts and to be performed by general health personnel;

The initiation, organization and implementation of education and treatment programs in human sexuality;

International reference services and coordination in the field of sexology. The conclusions of this meeting were reported in the document Education and Treatment in Human Sexuality: The Training of Health Professionals.

 This is a historic document that paved the way for improving the training of health professionals required to provide sexual education, counseling and therapy. He also served as a stimulus for the development of the field of sexology and sexual resources centers throughout the world. The most common among men, sexual addiction is an overwhelming desire to have sex. Sexual behavior becomes a problem and is considered an addiction when repeated often enough to interfere with normal daily life. Sexually addictive behavior interferes with relationships, work, friendships, and lifestyle.

There is a line between being enjoy sex, its peripheral pleasures and sexual addiction. In sexual addiction for long periods of time are devoted to sexual activities. Sex addicts feel unable to control sexual behavior or even reduce its incidence. People with sexual addiction behavior often use sex as an escape from other problems such as anxiety, stress, depression and social isolation. Other names for sexual addiction are Nymphomania, hypersexuality, erotomania, perversion, sexual obsession, sexual addiction.

The signs and symptoms of compulsive sexual behavior

Having multiple sexual partners or extramarital affairs.

Engaging in sex with many anonymous partners or prostitutes. sex addict treat sexual partners as objects rather than social intimates that are only used for sex.

Engaging in excessive masturbation, and often 10 to 20 times a day.

Use a lot of pornographic materials.

Participate in the types of sexual behavior that would not have considered acceptable before. Examples are masochistic or sadistic sex. Sometimes the most extreme forms of sexual behavior engaged in, for example, pedophilia, bestiality, rape.

Exposure in public.

The causes of sexual addiction

There are several theories on why sexual addiction. For example, psychological and emotional difficulties, personality disorder, as a form of coping mechanism, the result of childhood trauma. In some forms of mental illness sexual addiction may be a feature, depression, bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some neurological disorders may in rare cases lead to sexual addictions. These include epilepsy, head injury and dementia. Certain medications have been found to cause hypersexuality. Examples include apomorphine and replacement therapy on ...
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