Pursuing Criminal Justice

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Pursuing Criminal Justice

Pursuing Criminal Justice


Justice (from Latin, Iustitia) is the conception that every era and civilization is about the meaning of his or her legal rules. The set of rules and regulations establishing a framework for relations between individuals and institutions, authorizing, prohibiting and allowing actions in the interaction of individuals and institutions.

The word Justice is one of the most difficult words to define and more requests have been made. Philosophers, lawyers, writers, and others have tried to give his concept, but none is considered universal. Therefore, the question arises: What is Justice? The jurist Hans Kelsen said: "There was not any question has been raised with more passion, there was one for which much blood has been spilled, and so many bitter tears beautiful as this, there was no question about which some have thought in greater depth the most illustrious minds, from Plato to Kant (Corman and Mocan 2000). 

Justice is fairness, equity, and moral correctness, according to the Free Dictionary. Legally, the concept of justice includes reward and fair treatment according to legal standards.

Three current practices in justice in law enforcement

We achieve the process of providing justice in the area of law enforcement through three steps, which we have discussed below.

Law enforcement

The law enforcement agencies apprehend accused suspects of crimes that they had committed in the society. These agencies have the responsibility of ensuring peace and tranquility in the society and they catch any person, who is trying to disturb the peace of the society or has committed an act that is in violation of the rules, and regulations of the society. A person with delinquent behavior is hurting the society in some way, and the enforcement agencies fulfill their duties by capturing that person and make that person face the legal system of the society through the court system. Law enforcement agencies have to collect evidence against the person with delinquent behavior to ensure justice. It is possible that not every person on earth may perceive that this procedure by the law enforcement agencies is ensuring justice; however, it is not possible to make every person understand the process of justice. The reason for making such a statement is that people will have a bias against different things, and they may not be able to understand the process (Cohen and Piquero 2009).

Court systems

After the law-enforcement, agencies have performed their part of capturing the suspect and presenting him in front of the court, it is the court systems in the country that have to look over the whole process. They pass down the sentence or punishment after the law enforcement agencies manage to provide enough evidence that the suspect has attempted a crime. However, court systems have to make sure that they analyze the case from both sides and go through all the evidence from both sides. The court system has to make sure that every person gets an equal opportunity to speak-up and present his/her case and defend ...
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