Punitive Vs. Correction Discipline

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Punitive vs. Correction Discipline


This paper discusses the comparative analysis of corrective discipline and punitive discipline in an organization. Furthermore, the paper discuses that organizations have been adopting corrective and progressive disciplinary approach for the improvement of employees performance. The paper discusses the tools and techniques used to carry out this study.





Problem Statement2

Relevance of the Study2


Correction Discipline3

Punitive Discipline3

Key Issues in Corrective and Punitive Discipline Approaches4



Government Agencies7


Advocacy Groups9


Research Method11

The Seminary Reports11

Scholarly Journals11

Literature Review Articles12

Reference Books12

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria12

Data Analysis13

Discussion & Analysis14





The paper discusses the evaluation of punitive disciplines and corrective approach of the organization to improve the employees' individual performance in order to improve the organizational performance on the whole. This paper will discuss the background of the problem together with problem statement. This paper is divided into five chapters. Initially the paper talks about the introduction to the topic and the relevance of the study. Furthermore, the paper discusses the literary review of previous studies to support the study. Furthermore the paper discusses the tools and techniques that have been used to answer the research questions. In addition, the paper discusses the analysis and in the end it discusses the research summary and conclusion along with some recommendations.


Disciplines are classified into two categories either punitive or corrective. Both are the approaches to make employees work better or correct their mistakes. It has been studied that organizations are now trying hard to promote knowledge and learning sharing environment to create an atmosphere where everyone in the management and employees can focus on improvements. For this approach corrective actions are considered to be effective in replacement for disciplines (Newstrom, 2010). Together with evaluations, job descriptions, tanning and policies, corrective actions are considered as a tool for supporting employees in their efforts to succeed in aligning with the expectations of the employer. While verbal reprimands, written show cause and suspensions to discharges are all time the part of the process in the organizational culture. Management is also anticipated to explicitly state at the forefront of the communicative means that their focus is on development and education. The supervisors are also required to add in their oral or written communication that how the actions of an employee potentially or actually could influence the organizational performance and what are the effective ways can be opt for in order to improve their individual performance (National Labor Relations Board, 2003).

Problem Statement

Corrective actions are effective approach to improve the employee performance as compared to punitive actions.

Relevance of the Study

This research is relevant to the course because this study can act as a source of guidance to organization to design appropriate corrective actions for the employee performance. The major purpose of the corrective discipline program which are patterned after discipline without any punishment is a toll for performance management that formally introduce positive reinforcement into the equation of relations of employee and it seeks the commitment of employees to improve their performance. Furthermore, it will provide the organization as evidence to remove punitive disciplines clauses from the paradigm ...
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