Case Study: There Is No Such Thing As Rest

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Case Study: There Is No Such Thing as Rest

Case Study: There Is No Such Thing as Rest

Question: 1

Slavery in the United States dates reverse to the 1619, when 20 Africans were brought to Jamestown, Virginia by a Dutch trading vessel. Subsequent to, more Africans were passed from other vessels for employment. Virginia passed the first commandment in the novel city states identifying slavery in 1661(Macionis, 2010). Slavery offered the commencement of the southern settlements agricultural estate scheme. Cultivated areas were managed by white natives employing slave effort, and many were also slave merchants in anticipation of the year of 1808. About 10 million Africans traded by Europeans, Africans, and north Americans to diverse states and some to the U.S. In these undersized vessels, slaves would be chained jointly, and the incentive for existing is a life span of serving. This occasion open the gate to slavery in the United States and was not until the year of 1865, that the 13th correction banned the act of slavery.

Question: 2

Ritual and custom contributes in maintenance of natives in slavery since it is the single thing that is recognized. Many slaves were assured independence for being a slave for certain period of instance, but for the most part it was not right. In accordance to the case study There is No such thing as Rest, slaves would do the similar hard work, and every day jobs. Law will allow masters to employ whatever punitive dealings they believed required to make sure that slave were compliant and obedient (Macionis, 2010).

Slave's fear of receiving beat or disciplined contributed a component in getting inhabitants in slavery. Slavery, was the custom for the reason that it was established, being that African-American were observed as being substandard they were the white natives possessions. Even though, the ...
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