Public Uniformed Services

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Public Uniformed Services

Public Uniformed Services

Being a citizen and being a good citizen are far from the same thing. Being a good citizen and exhibiting signs of good citizenship is far removed from the legal distinction of being a citizen of one country or another. In fact, people who are technically not citizens of a country may exhibit all the signs of good citizenship not found in many of those who hold the country's passport (Mock, 2003, 22-55).

Communities are vital to culture's and country's proper functioning. A much-lamented facet of modern society is the lessening of community ties - how communities where once everyone knew everyone else are now becoming places where no one knows their neighbours and people go about their business without passing the time of day without each other. But in communities where good citizenship is evident, local ties flourish and people come together - both in bad times and in good (Mock, 2003, 22-55). People who help out elderly neighbours, people who help to organise the local school's summer fete - these are people who exhibit signs of good citizenship. The youngsters who wash cars in the neighbourhood and sign Christmas carols at old people's homes at Christmas are too people who exhibit good citizenship.

Often called the third sector, volunteering is becoming increasingly important and is worth millions of pounds to the UK's economy. People who volunteer exhibit many many signs of good citizenship. There are many different ways of volunteering - and everyone makes an impact. From the people who work an afternoon a week at a local charity shop to people who raise thousands of pounds for charity on epic challenges, volunteers are widely regarded and of huge importance. Volunteers are good citizens for the simple reason that they give back to ...
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