Public Healthcare In India

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Public Healthcare in India

Public Healthcare in India


Public health is the main and essential feature which should be enhanced in every country. India is a developing country. The country is going through the development phase. Human resource is the main factor which can be used to determine the future of any developing country. The main factors of human resource that can determine the future of the developing country are the education and public health. The main purpose of this paper is to develop an agenda in order to enhance the public health for the country. Given below are some agenda points which could be helpful for India in order to develop and enhance its public health system.

Agenda for Improved Public Healthcare in India

1) Implement the Evidence based Public Health Spending

In a developing country like India, there is an urgent need that the practice of evidence based public health spending should be implemented (Acorn, 2006). The developing countries like India should pay its focus on the indigenous public health needs assessment, rather giving huge focus on the planned advocacy campaigns through the usage of vertical programs. For this, there would be a severe requirement of the constitution of the public health task forces. The constitution should be implemented at the level of central government with the help of various subgroups at the state levels. These groups should have their focus on improving the research activities in order to provide the evidence based public health priorities. The country should also work for the development of the autonomous research-funding organizations in the long run, which should have the equal operations as the National Institute of Health in United States. It is not necessary that the Government should be the solely runner of the public health system; however, there can also be some other bodies ...
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