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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Research Topics
Research Topics Research Topics TOPIC 1: How Could You Use The Family Structural Therapy To Determine If A Family Is Dysfunctional Or Not? Problem Statement Instead of endorsing a single technique, experiential interventions deal with the situations as per the requirement of the clients. Different families have different requirements. Experiential therapy of family ...
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Introduction Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a common mental disorder (Cousins, Butts and Young, 2009). It is also called as manic depressive illness. Bipolar disorder is a condition that causes mood swings in an individual. These mood swings are between two emotional states that are opposite to each other. Mania ...
Biopsychosocial Evaluation
Biopsychosocial Evaluation Biopsychosocial Evaluation Introduction For this paper the case under further study and evaluation is of Major Arnold, Major Arnold is a 42 year old African American. Major Arnold has been afflicted by drug and substance abuse since a young age; both his parents were drug abusers. Major Arnold has a son ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder \ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Introduction Traumatic events involve actual or threatened death or injury or a threat to an individual's physical integrity. Traumatic events can include events that one actually experienced or events that one witnessed. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) consists of three clusters of interrelated symptoms: re-experiencing, ...
Primacy Effect On Impression Formation
Primacy Effect on Impression Formation Florida International University Primacy Effect on Impression Formation A 60 question test comprising of vocabulary and analogy type questions is taken by many graduate students when making admission decisions. The average score of this graduate exam across the nation is about 12 correct answers out of the first ...
Occupational Stress Amongst Offshore Workers in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Nigeria Occupational stress amongst offshore workers in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria by [School or Department Name] CHAPTER 4: THE NIGERIAN BACKGROUND Introduction The Nook individuals were the first inhabitants in Nigeria in 500 BC. After them Fulani, Hausa and Kanuri moved towards this state. It was under the mastery of Kanem from late eleventh ...
My Personality
My Personality (Date] Introduction3 Discussion4 Conclusion8 References9 My Personality Introduction Psychology is defined as the study of a person's unique pattern of behavior psychology. “Personality” is usually translated as “character”. “Personality”, includes not only the character, but also the belief, self-concept, and so on. Accurately, the “personality” refers to a person's behavioral characteristics consistent cluster. Composition of ...
Effects Of Unresolved Conflict On Marital Satisfaction And Longevity
Effects of Unresolved Conflict on Marital Satisfaction and Longevity Abstract Discussing marriages is something with a prolong history in the field of psychology. This proves the vitality of the issue and its importance in human lives. Marriages are truly a matter of concern in society like ours where the trend of remaining ...
Risky Teen Sexual Behavior
Risky Teen Sexual Behavior Abstract The research is aimed to propose the awareness regarding the risky sexual behaviors and their outcomes among the adolescents. The youth is diverting their interest towards the sexual activities, but without the protection during the sexual activities. They should acquire the habit of using protective measures for ...
Psychological Theories Link To Everyday Experiences
Psychological Theories link to everyday experiences Abstract This paper talks about the link of psychological theories to the everyday life of people. The field of psychology studies the way people behave and react to particular situations. The applications of the theories can be found in popular media, and is also important for ...
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