Social Support
Social Support
After many years living in this country I have many friends besides my families. Among all my friends there are two that we are very close to each other. It has been more than 5 years that we go for walk twice a week with each other. This ...
Social Ideology Conflicts
Social Ideology Conflicts
The emergence of international conflict is inevitable when one state or group of states seeking to impose their interests to others, declares and seeks their monopoly prejudice to or not taking into account other interests. The scope of possible conflicting interests involved in a conflict, ...
Analysis of Psychological Articles
Analysis of Psychological Articles
Journal 1
In this Journal three psychological articles have been summarized. Firslty, An examination of the historical and current perceptions of love in the psychotherapeutic dyad discusses the role of love and psychotherapy. Secondly, Existential analysis and psychoanalysis: Specific Differences and Personal Relationship ...
Five-Axis Diagnosis of a "Peeping Tom"
Five-Axis Diagnosis of a "Peeping Tom"
The five axis diagnosis is basically the current version of DSM-IV-TR. DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that was established by American Psychiatric Association. The DSM-IV-TR provides the standards and classifications under which the mental disorders ...
Working with Suicidal Clients
Working with Suicidal Clients
The rate of suicide in the US has increased alarmingly. This public health problem is preventable. One of the most common causes of suicide is depression. This depression leads to suicide when people do not get help right away. They fail to acknowledge their ...
Transitions and Challenges in Adulthood
Transitions and Challenges in Adulthood
According to (Baltes, 1987) Life development psychology is a field of psychology which involves the change of both human behavior and consistency. Life development psychology focuses on diverse issues ranging from the individual growth as an infant, to the losses and ...
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
Differentiating between grief, pathological grief, and depression is important for health professionals because significant differences exist in the treatment of these conditions. This paper describes clinically observable differences between these diagnoses and suggests intervention and counselling strategies appropriate to each. In many instances grief can best be facilitated ...
Normal and Abnormal
Normal and Abnormal
The study where psychologists study what is normal and abnormal is known as 'Abnormal Psychology'. It is an area of psychology that is focused on people who possess abnormal or odd characteristics compared to the people in the society that are defined as normal. ...
Family Therapy
Philippa Sharpe
Alma Family Therapy Centre
Family Therapy
Case History
Jina is the first to get an appointment accompanied by her mother, an elegant, very young lady. Jina itself is just as attractive, lively acts to overactive. Jina tells of a bulimic symptoms persist for some time, when she has to throw up several ...
Review of Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Review of Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
The article “Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy” is published in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity in 2007, by the author Siang-Yang Tan. This article discusses about the ...