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Community can be viewed as a people that share common dialects. Attributes and numerous other cultural likenesses, Strong communities generally signify a harmony or bond. This bond forms a sense of sense of self and "brotherhood". although, this does not emerge to exist in the Black community. Slavery has almost decimated the reality of any unity. When the Africans were taken from African, distinct tribes were blended simultaneously on the boats and stripped of their identities. The dissimilarities between the African tribes had a positive affect for the enslavers because it initiated disunity. Which helped them maintain command both throughout the voyages and one time they reached to the U.S. realizing the affect of the disunity, slave owners continued to develop tactics that would further disunite African Americans from generation to generation until today.

Slavery Period

The disunity among Africans helped the slave owners operate their plantations more efficiently and furthered enslaved the Blacks. Their lack of unity increased because of distrust for one another and an increase of loyalty and dependence on their owners The Africans were divided based on physical attributes (ie. Skin tone, physical build). Of all the attributes, skin tone was of the most prominent tactics of division used. The fairer skinned were usually used as house laborers and held a higher status than that of the darker skinned who were used as field hands or given harsher treatment. . Because they were more privileged, a sense of superiority arose among the light skinned or house laborers. This caused the darker skinned Africans to envy the fairer skinned by distancing Negative Effects of Slavery and disconnecting themselves from each other, they caused division on the plantation.

Any sign of unity, even seemingly harmless bonds such as bonds between children and their parents, posed a threat to the slave owners causing most families to be separated and sold to different plantations. African women were even taken from their families to become mistresses to their owners. Separation of families left the men unable to uphold their duties as a father and head of the household and left or forced women to raise families on their own or with other men.

Segregation Period Before slavery was completely abolished certain slaves were freed, many of which were fair skinned or "Mullatoes". When slavery was abolished and the other slaves were freed, the Mullatoes feared that mixing or associating themselves with the other Blacks ...
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