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Runnng Head: Psychology psychology

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Technology is changing at a very fast pace and innovations are taking place quite rapidly because of which it can be said that a time may come in the future in which the machines will be able to read human minds. Since the brain is an electrical device, and electricity is also required by the machines to run, a common language can be developed between the two. In this way, an interface can be developed to connect the brain to the devices that are electronic.

Science has progressed significantly and innovative products have been designed which enable the machines to read the human minds to a certain extent. This can be done by outfitting a headgear to the scalp and the forehead and reading the electrical activity of the brain over time. This is known as electroencephalography (ECG) and is being used by medicine since many years. However, these do not read the thoughts of the human minds neuron by neuron but they read them collectively. This can further be explained by giving the example of a crowded room in which everyone is talking about different things. This makes it difficult for a person outside the door to understand what is being discussed. Similarly, the neurons pulse together because of which signals are sent as a group. Abnormal patterns are revealed by the frequencies of the brain waves that reveal patterns that are abnormal. This enables the doctors in diagnosing problems such as brain death and coma (Feldman, 2009).

Nowadays, the ECG technology is being used in the video games and equipping gamers to enable them to read the mind of the gamer and to translate what they think into instructions that are machine-readable. Mind can also be used by the gamers to drive a car ...
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