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1. Carefully distinguish among bipolar disorder, unipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, and cyclothymic disorder (Abbey, 2005).

There are some of the major differences associated with these terms of unipolar, bipolar, dysthymic and cyclothymic disorders although they are all mainly associated with one another n respects of having moods and behaviors associated with one another in a typical manner. Unipolar and bipolar disorders affect an individual in a manner or a in a completely similar state of mind but there are some sleep, appetite, activity level and mood changes involved such as insomnia is associated with unipolar disorder whereas hypersomnia with excessive tiredness is the characteristic implementation of the situation (Abbey, 2005).

In the unipolar disorder, there is a loss of appetite but with the case of bipolar disorder, it changes to eating in binge amounts with excessive consumption of carbohydrates in the body, it may be altered with the patterns of appetite lost in some of the cases as well. Sadness and feeling of having no worth are combined with the factors of having unipolar disorder where they are replaced with guilt feelings and more prominence of having pleading signs in bipolar disorder (Sadock, 2002). Bipolar disorder is described as the alternative periods of two things in a similar manner and they are mania and depression both.

Dysthymic disorder is known with the help of episodes of mild to moderate depression signs only and there is nothing severe associated in such manner whereas cyclothymic disorder involves about depression and mania symptoms both and those too in a manner of cyclic attempt into having things which are periodically occurring within the body. The case signs in both these cases have to prevailing within the individual for at least two years prior to the diagnosis however the treatment approaches can be varyingly different (Agras, 2008).

8. Write five items that would be likely to be on a test that Aaron Beck might develop to measure depression (Agras, 2008).

The items that would be likely to be on a test that Aaron Beck might develop to measure depression might be of two kinds involving the categories of the affective component and the physical or somatic component which are both equally significant and important for the individuals to know about before carrying out the process. These limitations would then be classified into five major things including pessimism, past failures, self-dislike or criticism, feelings of worthlessness or agitation, inconclusiveness. These things are the factors which can be concluded as materials to have a significant amount of information on concerning how a person is doing in reality to be impacted upon by different factors of life and having the stress factor involved, how multiple coping mechanisms can be designed in allocating proper treatment for them.

Pessimism can measure depression along with the past failures because they are relatively associated with one another in comprehension and practical implementation all at once. According to different mediations, they are responsible to develop a response against life circumstances and how they are to ...
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